Livestorm Logo

Icon of an arrow pointing down
Light Livestorm logo.

Livestorm's emblem has evolved a few times over the years, but it has always kept the same form. Three slices stacked on top of each other symbolize a tornado. Now nestled in a chubby box, the logo has more presence than the first few variations.

The use of Livestorm's logo is subject to rules. Read on to find out how you can use it.


Primary use
Two color, white on dark green.
Use this one in priority.
Secondary use
Two color, dark green on white.
Only use this one for dark environments.
Tertiary use - Dark
One color, solid black.
Only use this one if using a colored version is not possible.
Tertiary use - Light
One color, solid white.
Only use this one if using a colored version is not possible.


Our icon is just the storm in its chubby box.
Remember that the box is part of the logo and that it should never be used without it.

Primary use
Two color, white on dark green.
Use this one in priority.
Secondary use
Two color, dark green on white.
Only use this one for dark environments.
Tertiary use - Dark
One color, solid black.
Only use this one if using a colored version is not possible.
Tertiary use - Light
One color, solid white.
Only use this one if using a colored version is not possible.

Social Networks / Livestorm profiles

White icon over a green background.
It’s the version to be used on every official Livestorm profiles on Social Networks or partners websites.


This is the minimum amount of space you need to put around Livestorm's logo. On the schema below, you'll see that it is equivalent to the height of the storm.

Livestorm logo with the padding guide around it.

Bad uses

Our logo was designed to be recognizable and to achieve this it needs to always look the same.

Icon a red cross.Livestorm logo don't strech it.
Don’t stretch or manipulate the logo.
Icon a red cross.Livestorm logo don't type it whithout the logomark/
Don’t type out Livestorm without the logomark.
Icon a red cross.Livestorm logo don't add color to it.

Do not add colors to it.

Icon of a green check.Livestorm logo don't use it whithout the box around the tornado.
Icon a red cross.Livestorm logo don't use it whithout the box around the tornado.

The logo must be placed on a clean color block background with no element that could confuse the reading. (light or dark)

Icon a red cross.Livestorm logo don't use without the square.

Do not use the icon without the box around it.

Icon a red cross.Livestorm icon don't use without the square.
Icon of a green check.Icon livestorm Primary dark.

Do not use the icon without the box around it.