
Icon of an arrow pointing down
Light Livestorm logo.

Object sans

Object Sans is a sans serif font, described as a contemporary type family that puts together the best qualities of Swiss neo-grotesks and geometric fonts. It was designed by Alex Slobzheninov.

We chose this font because of how well it represents Livestorm: it has a strong identity and it is capable of fitting with other brands.

Type scale

Below are the styles of headings and paragraphs used on the website.

Heading 1
60px / 3.75rem
80px / 5rem
Heading 2
48px / 3rem
64px / 4rem
Heading 3
32px / 2rem
40px / 2.5rem
Heading 4
24px / 1.5rem
32px / 2rem
Heading 5
20px / 1.25rem
28px / 1.75rem
18px / 1.125rem
28px / 1.75rem
14px / 0.875rem
18px / 1.125rem
Subtitle Medium
14px / 0.875rem
18px / 1.125rem
Subtitle Medium UpperCase
14px / 0.875rem
18px / 1.125rem
Subtitle Bold
14px / 0.875rem
18px / 1.125rem
Heading 1
60px / 3.75rem
80px / 5rem
Heading 2
48px / 3rem
64px / 4rem
Heading 3
32px / 2rem
40px / 2.5rem
Heading 4
24px / 1.5rem
32px / 2rem
Heading 5
20px / 1.25rem
28px / 1.75rem
18px / 1.125rem
28px / 1.75rem
14px / 0.875rem
18px / 1.125rem
Subtitle Medium
14px / 0.875rem
18px / 1.125rem
Subtitle Medium UpperCase
14px / 0.875rem
18px / 1.125rem
Subtitle Bold
14px / 0.875rem
18px / 1.125rem